Spatial dependence

Parameteric Functions

Constant([domain, output_shape, coefficients])

A function that return a constant value

Linear([domain, output_shape, coefficients])

The linear function f(x) = c x

Polynomial([deg, polynom, domain, ...])

The polynomial function

Fourier([order, freq, start_order, domain, ...])

The Fourier series f(x) = c x

BSplinesFunction(domain[, k, bc_type, ...])

A function that use a set of B-splines.

sklearnBSplines(domain[, k, bc_type, ...])

A slower but more complete set of BSplines

sklearnTransformer(transformer, domain[, ...])

Take any sklearn transformer and build a fonction from it f(x,c) = c*transform(x)

FiniteElement(domain, element[, ...])

Build functions from finite elements basis

ModelOverlay(model, function_name[, ...])

A class that allow to overlay a model and make it be used as a function.

Non Parametric Functions

sklearnWrapper(estimator, domain[, ...])

Wraps sklearn predictor as functions.

KernelFunction(gamma, domain[, kernel, ...])